Friday, May 13, 2016

Let Be Honest- The Marijuana Industry Is A Money Maker

I may not be one who smokes, but many Americans do. With the legalization of weed being something that was "unthinkable" just a handful of years ago, it's truly crazy to think how times have changed. Marijuana has been legal in Colorado for over two years now! Me being a curious mind, I've been keeping up on the information released about the economic impact that sales of weed and paraphernalia has had in the states in which it was been legalized. WHY IS THIS NOT LEGAL EVERYWHERE?

In 2014 alone the states Colorado made $63 Million dollars in taxes along with another $13 Million in licensing and fees (source). Think about how much money that adds into a states pocket. When all was said and done, in the year 2014 Colorado likely saw $1 Billion dollars put towards Recreational Marijuana, Medical Marijuana, and products needed to use the substance. That is a LOT of money. Think about all the things that any state could use that money for. We could add more money back into the public school system, we could use that money to build roads, we could use that money and put it into our environment and parks department. Millions of dollars.

Not to mention, for anyone against the substance itself, wouldn't you rather have the government stepping in? If you don't trust the run of the mill drug dealer you're likely the type to trust the government. The government regulates both the tobacco and the alcohol industry. Honestly, Weed is far better than alcohol could ever be.

I see no real cons.

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