Thursday, March 3, 2016

Looking through a news source to try and find an opinion piece was harder than I expected for it to be. The one I stumbled across, however, I was quite happy with. With all this talk of Donald Trump becoming president it's hard to find an opinion by someone who knows him but is still negative. It seems the people who like him just show unwavering support.
So as I was scrolling and I came across an article titled Why Penn Jillette is Terrified of President Trump I was relieved. Someone who was considered an acquaintance had a genuine opinion about Trump that wasn't forced. 

He began by even saying that he enjoyed Trump's straight forward attitude on The Apprentice. Penn was on two seasons of Trump's show and through that time got to know him relatively well. He genuinely admired his business sense.  So that is a plus to the grounds of his argument. He knew the guy and he didn't hate him as a person. It's easier to disapprove of someone you don't like in the first place than someone you actually have some sort of admiration for. 

He believes that his stances on immigration, torture, nuclear weapons, and war is "unforgivable". He, being someone who constantly has made jokes and talked down about Obama would even prefer another 8 years of Obama to any time span of Trump. Penn has stated that "disagrees with Hilary Clinton about everything there is to disagree with a person about" but he still ends that comment with "If it came down to Donald Trump or Hillary, I would put a Hillary Clinton sticker on my fucking car". Which Is an intense mic drop to say the least.

Comedians are the best at critiquing people I feel. They get to the root of the problem. With insults like "Donald Trump, when it comes down to it, fucks up everything. Maybe he'll fuck up his campaign before he fucks out country" I mean it's really intense. This is coming from someone who considered him a FRIEND at one point. Like lord all mighty.